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Fall is almost here! Here’s some autumn skincare tips on how to change up your skincare for the cooler months approaching.

  1. Switch back to a more hydrating cleanser. Foaming cleansers are great for the heat of summer, but if they start feeling a bit too stripping, consider changing to a more gentle cleanser or an oil-based cleanser. Cleansing milks or balms are great options to remove all makeup and sunscreen without leaving skin feeling too dry.
  2. Switch from a gel or light moisturizer to a thicker moisturizer. As the weather grows colder, lightweight formulas may not be moisturizing enough. Thicker or heavier formulations are great to keep skin plump and hydrated.
  3. Incorporate an oil into your routine. Adding an oil or a richer moisturizer on top of more water-based products can help prevent transepidermal water loss (TEWL) to keep skin moisturized and lock in hydration.
  4. Keep applying sunscreen! It can be tempting to use less sunscreen when sunshine isn’t as apparent, but UV rays are still present in cloudy weather. Keeping up with SPF all year round is important for anti-aging due to UV exposure, prevention of skin cancer, and to keep pigmentation at bay. Fall and winter are the best times to do laser treatments, so it’s important to keep using SPF as a way to ensure best results. Try a physical + chemical sunscreen or all chemical sunscreen if you’d like a more hydrating or thin formula.
  5. If your skin or nose is starting to feel a little dehydrated or chapped, autumn is a great time to break out the humidifier. Regular scrubbing + use of distilled water in a humidifier keeps your skin and mucous membranes comfortable and happy.


What treatments should you try?

DSC has you covered! If your skin is congested due to seasonal changes or is dull after a summer of sunshine and travel, here’s a few recommended treatments that everyone can benefit from!

  1. Resurface skin with a LaseMD Ultra laser treatment. If skin is feeling dull or congested after a summer of sun, a LaseMD Ultra laser treatment is a great way to resurface the superficial skin, target unwanted pigmentation and hyperpigmentation, clear acne comedones, and smooth skin texture.
  2. Hydrate and plump skin all over with skin booster injections. Pick from our ready-made skin booster solutions or customize to your heart’s desire. Hyaluronic acid plumps and hydrates skin, while add-ons like PDRN or glutathione can rejuvenate and renew skin.
  3. Get a facial! DiamondGlow is a great facial option to refresh skin with no downtime. Helps with dull, congested skin, acne-prone skin, hyperpigmentation, dryness, and even fine lines and wrinkles depending on skin concern and the SkinMedica serum used by our expert aestheticians.


DSC Laser & Skin Care Center

889 S. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, CA 91776