Dermal Fillers 玻尿酸填充
人體內的玻尿酸具有許多生理功能,如:維持體內水分、結締組織組織的潤滑與構成黏液組織等,在人體肌膚真皮層內更是不可缺少的成分。年輕的肌膚柔軟有彈性, 即是皮膚富含許多玻尿酸,它以膠狀的型態存在真皮層膠原組織中,幫助儲存水分,增加肌膚結構與容積,但隨年齡增長體內的玻尿酸逐漸流失,皮膚看起來就會呈 現鬆垮、凹陷、皺摺等現象。 玻尿酸本來就是皮膚組織中的一種物質,具有很強的保濕功能,可以增加肌膚彈性、潤滑性及肌膚柔軟性。


“First time laser treatment here! Great service and knowledgable staff. Highly recommend people who are looking for any beauty service. The front desk is very friendly!”
- Winnie Y., Pasadena, CA

“Went in so I can check out the laser treatments offered. I asked alot of questions and tried to side track the consultation lady but she seemed to know what she was talking about. I ended up going with an acne facial first then I will have laser treatments for my mild acne spots.”
- Mommy S.Azusa, CA

“Went in so I can check out the laser treatments offered. I asked alot of questions and tried to side track the consultation lady but she seemed to know what she was talking about. I ended up going with an acne facial first then I will have laser treatments for my mild acne spots.”
- Mommy S.Azusa, CA

Belotero® 保柔緹玻尿酸

Restylane® 瑞藍玻尿酸

Juvederm® 喬雅登玻尿酸

Scupltra 童顏針/舒顏萃