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DSC 7/27/24 07272024 July 2024 Thermage & ZO Skin Health Event Flyer With text "Summer Glow Event" and date of event and featured speakers Thermage and ZO Skin Health Chinese



DSC Thermage July 2024 Event Promos Flyer with $999 Thermage FLX eye promo, $1600 Thermage FLX face promo, and $2388 Thermage whole set face and eye promo chinese flyer with image of woman pointing at eye area and thermage eye tip, thermage face tip with image of smiling woman touching her jaw, and woman with lifting graphical lines for thermage whole set face and eye image



DSC 美芝秀誠邀您參加 “美芝夏日嘉年華”!將於7月 27日星期六下午兩點在美芝秀二樓與全球著名醫美公司Thermage 熱瑪吉和北美殿堂级的医美品牌ZO 護膚品合作開一場以抗衰為主題的派對。現場會有品牌總公司代表分享抗衰逆齡專業知識,客人成功體驗見證等等。本次活動驚喜多多,禮物多多,彩蛋多多。現場的來賓會有精美大禮包加價值$100代金劵。現場有茶點更有很多優惠和買就送的禮物。請盡快致電報名(626)285-0800!



(626) 285-0800
889 S. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, CA 91776