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DSC 3/1/2024 Spring Glam Event Flyer with DiamondGlow and SkinMedica on purple background with date, time, place and description of event

DSC 3/1/2024 Spring Glam Event Flyer with DiamondGlow and SkinMedica on purple background with date, time, place and description of event in chinese


Join DSC to celebrate  our “Spring Glam” Beauty Event!

DSC will be hosting a “Spring Glam” beauty event in conjunction with Allergan Aesthetics’ brands SkinMedica and DiamondGlow on Friday, 03/01 at 4PM! Join us for refreshments, a free attendee gift bag, and special promos! Please call to RSVP at (626) 285-0800, seats are highly limited! We are looking forward to seeing you!


美芝秀邀您一起”綻放春日” 的魅力美之活動!

美芝秀將於 3月 01 日星期五下午 4 點與艾爾建美學公司下屬醫美護膚巨頭“斯美凱”品牌和鑽石磨皮護膚聯合舉辦“綻放春日魅力美之活動!當日下午特設專業抗衰知識分享及特別推廣優惠等等。參加者均會獲得價值名貴的禮物包,享受免費茶點。請盡快致電美芝秀報名,座位有限。美芝秀期待與您相會!(626) 285-0800


DSC Laser & Skin Care Center

889 S. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, CA 91776