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We all lust after youthful, glowing skin. Luckily, advances in cosmetic procedures allow us to turn back the clock and enjoy a clear, natural-looking complexion. Ultherapy is an effective, innovative, non-surgical solution that delivers results similar to those of a conventional facelift. It tightens, lifts, and firms the skin on the face, neck, and chest without causing damage.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Ultherapy, how it works, and what makes it a unique and popular option. Let’s get started.

What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a non-surgical alternative to a facelift that utilizes FDA-approved ultrasound technology. The primary goal of Ultherapy is to counteract the signs of aging, such as wrinkles, skin sagging, and drooping.

How does Ultherapy work?

Using the same technology found in medical imaging systems, the Ultherapy device captures images of the inner-most layers of the skin, the muscle, and superficial wrinkles. It then sends ultrasound energy to the areas that require treatment.
This produces heat that triggers the skin, which then stimulates elastic tissue and activates collagen regeneration. This is what causes the skin to become tighter and more youthful.

What are the results of Ultherapy?

People of all ages and genders invest in Ultherapy to maintain youthful-looking skin. The best candidates for Ultherapy are those with skin that has become overly relaxed and loose. For example, many with lowered eyebrow lines and sagging skin on the eyelids choose Ultherapy to address those issues.

Younger people looking to slow down the aging process can also benefit from Ultherapy.

Whichever group you fall into, you can expect the following results:

  • An overall lifting effect
  • Firmer, tighter skin
  • Smoother skin texture
  • More even skin tone

What makes Ultherapy unique?

The Ultherapy process is non-invasive and completely unique among age-defying treatments, making it an increasingly popular choice among those looking for genuine, natural-looking results.

Here are just some of the reasons people opt for Ultherapy over alternative treatments:

  • Ultherapy is the only non-surgical treatment that can target the deepest layers of the skin. Ultherapy doesn’t involve any cutting or significant disruption to the skin.
  • Ultherapy is the only procedure available that utilizes powerful ultrasound imaging. This enables practitioners to actually see the areas of tissue that require attention and deposit the energy in precisely the right spot.
  • Non-surgical, non-invasive anti-aging procedures like lasers generally treat the superficial layers of the skin, addressing issues like fine lines and pigmentation. In contrast, Ultherapy works on the foundational, supporting layers of the skin that are typically only treated in surgeries. Laser treatments and Ultherapy are, therefore, a complementary pair of treatments that can yield incredible results.

What areas can be targeted with Ultherapy?

The following areas are ideal targets for Ultherapy:

  • Under the chin
  • Eyebrows
  • Cheeks
  • Décolletage

Your Ultherapy provider will design a custom treatment plan that caters to your individual needs and desired outcomes.

How to prepare for Ultherapy

Ultherapy is a no-fuss treatment that requires very little preparation. Your typical eating, drinking, work, and exercise routines can be maintained leading up to and straight after your procedure. This level of flexibility is one of the core benefits of Ultherapy.

Before treatment, you’ll need to remove any makeup or skincare products from the target areas. If your practitioner advises, you may take anti-inflammatory or pain-minimizing medication before the treatment begins.

If you do decide to take medication, be sure to check if it impacts your ability to drive. If so, you’ll need to arrange to be picked up from the treatment center.

What to expect during the Ultherapy procedure

Your Ultherapy procedure will likely unfold as follows:

  • First, your practitioner will clean the target areas to remove any natural oil, residue, or remaining makeup. Then, they will apply ultrasound gel, which typically has a cooling effect.
  • Then, the Ultherapy device will be positioned against the skin. Your practitioner will use a viewer to carefully maneuver the device into the correct position and configure the appropriate settings.
  • Ultrasound energy will then be delivered into the skin. You might experience intermittent heat and tingling – these sensations will subside quickly, and discomfort is typically minimal.
  • When your practitioner has treated all targeted areas, the Ultherapy device will be removed from your skin.

In most cases, a single Ultherapy session lasts between 30 and 90 minutes, depending on the scope of the treatment. The chest and décolletage areas are the quickest to treat, taking about half an hour. The face and neck will take between one and one and a half hours.

What to expect after the Ultherapy procedure

Following your Ultherapy treatment, you can resume all of your regular activities, including work and socializing. There is usually no downtime at all.

Results will begin to appear within the first few days. However, this will depend on your individual ability to generate new collagen. Improvement in your skin’s texture and tightness will continue for three months.

How long do Ultherapy results last?

Everyone is different, everyone ages at different rates, and everyone produces new collagen in different quantities. How long your results last will depend on your body. After several months, you can assess how your skin has reacted and decide whether or not to schedule additional Ultherapy sessions. That being said, most people achieve their desired results after just one treatment.

What are the risks associated with Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a safe, non-invasive procedure. Sensations of heat and tingling tend to go away after the procedure.

In some cases, the targeted areas may appear flushed for a few hours after treatment. Swelling and tenderness may also occur.

More severe side effects are very rare but can include bruising and numbness. These usually subside within two or three days.

Find out what you can achieve with Ultherapy

If you’re ready to explore Ultherapy further, please reach out to our friendly and knowledgeable staff. We understand that every person is unique, and we are happy to design a custom treatment plan that’ll help you achieve the results you desire.

Schedule your free consultation today.