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Research suggests that 93 to 99 percent of women regularly remove their body hair, a practice that’s becoming increasingly popular among males, too. Shaving, waxing, and tweezing may be the go-to methods, but they are only temporary and come with several uncomfortable and inconvenient side effects.

If you’re looking for an easier, more effective, longer-lasting way to rid your skin of unwanted body hair, laser hair removal may be just the solution. Laser hair removal leverages the latest in laser technology to deliver fast, pain-free hair removal that leaves skin soft and touchable.

Here’s everything you need to know about this game-changing cosmetic procedure.

What is laser hair removal?

During laser hair removal, highly concentrated beams of light are directed into hair follicles. The pigment in the follicle absorbs the light, destroying the hair. Unlike electrolysis – which can be time-consuming and painful – laser hair removal is quick and suitable for larger areas.

Laser hair removal’s popularity has skyrocketed in recent years. The procedure is now one of the most common in the United States.

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal works by directing high levels of light energy into the hair follicle to destroy it. The process targets the pigment in the hair, which, when damaged, prevents the hair from growing at a normal rate. With multiple treatments, the follicles will stop producing hair altogether.

Do keep in mind that, although laser hair removal is a long-term hair removal solution, our bodies form new hair follicles throughout our lives. Therefore, laser hair removal does not necessarily result in 100 percent hair-free skin. Instead, think of it as a treatment for permanent hair reduction.

What are the benefits of laser hair removal?

Lasers are the ideal choice for those looking to remove unwanted hair from the legs, arms, chin, back, face, underarm, bikini line, and almost any other area on the body. Here are just some of the benefits of this superior hair removal solution:

No more hassle

Conventional hair removal techniques like shaving and waxing are time-consuming and fussy. Plus, they can result in ingrown hairs, scars, bumps, and uneven skin tone. Laser takes the fuss out of hair removal for softer, smoother skin, so you are free to do whatever, whenever.

Greater precision

Shaving, waxing, and other hair removal methods can damage the surrounding skin. Laser, on the other hand, precisely targets the hair, leaving your skin free of irritation.

Quick treatment time

Unlike electrolysis, laser hair removal is extremely fast. Each pulse of the laser takes just a fraction of a second and can attack several hairs simultaneously. Small areas can be treated in less than 10 minutes. Larger areas, such as the legs, may take an hour or so.

Predictable results

The science behind laser hair removal ensures you embark on your hair reduction journey with confidence. The majority of patients achieve their desired results with two to six treatments spaced 12 to 16 weeks apart. This timing allows your technician to target unwanted hair at the optimal time during the hair growth cycle.

Are all laser hair removal devices created equally?

No. Laser hair removal is a technologically advanced procedure. For the best results, ensure your therapist is qualified, experienced, and using an industry-leading device.

At DSC Laser and Skin Care Center , we use a DiolazeXL hair removal laser. This exceptional device delivers the gold standard in wavelength, pulsing, and power for see-it-to-believe-it results achieved safely and without pain. Although powerful enough to treat even the most stubborn hair, the DiolazeXL has built-in cooling for total comfort.

Is laser hair removal permanent?

The DiolazeXL treatment device is approved for permanent hair reduction, which means the vast majority of patients achieve a stable decrease in the number of hairs within the treated areas. The more treatments undertaken, the more hairs permanently removed.

In some cases, patients experience hair regrowth over time. This new growth is totally normal. We suggest scheduling an appointment for a touch-up treatment.

How do I prepare for laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that requires some preparation to minimize the risk of adverse side effects:

  • First and foremost, do your research. Only undergo a laser hair removal treatment at a trusted clinic. Be sure to double-check the credentials of the technician performing your procedure.
  • In the six weeks leading up to your laser hair removal treatment, avoid or limit plucking and waxing. The laser targets your hairs’ roots – both plucking and waxing remove the roots, rendering your laser treatment ineffective.
  • You should also avoid sun exposure in the six weeks prior to your treatment. Sun exposure can make laser hair removal less successful.

What can I expect during my laser hair removal treatment?

Before your treatment begins, the hair in the target area will be trimmed close to the skin’s surface. The laser device will then be configured according to your skin tone, hair color, hair thickness, and hair location. You will be asked to sit or lay comfortably in a way that gives your therapist access to the targeted area.

You may experience a slight stinging sensation when treatment begins, although this is typically fleeting.

What can I expect after my laser hair removal treatment?

After treatment, your therapist will cleanse and soothe the target area. You are then free to return to normal activities, including work. You may experience some reddening of the skin around the treated hair follicles. In most cases, this subsides within a matter of minutes.

Avoid sun exposure as much as possible, and wear sunscreen in the weeks following your treatment.

Start your hair removal journey today

How much time do you spend removing unwanted body hair? Forget the fuss, say goodbye to razor burn and ingrown hairs, and experience the freedom and comfort that comes with laser hair removal.

If you’re ready to start your journey toward soft, silky skin, get in contact today. Schedule an appointment with one of our hair removal specialists.