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If you’ve heard of Botox or you’ve even been treated with Botox, then you are probably familiar with its uses in the upper face. Most are familiar with Botox treatments in the upper face, namely the forehead for lines, for the glabella (11’s between the eyebrows) when frowning, or for the crow’s feet that appear near the eyes when animating the face, squinting, or smiling. Botox temporarily relaxes the muscles that are responsible for the movement of the face in those areas. Repeated movement over time creates fine lines, leading to the development of etched in wrinkles in those areas. While Botox alone will not get rid of these lines and wrinkles once formed because Botox only affects the underlying muscle, regular treatment can soften and even diminish the lines because the relaxed muscles are no longer contributing to the formation of the wrinkles. For an overview of Botox, the difference between various brands like Dysport and Xeomin, click the link below for our introduction to Botox.


Read More: What is Botox?


Now, if you’ve dabbled in getting Botox treatments in the upper face, you might be wondering if there are any other areas that can be treated as well. The answer is yes! In fact, there are many other Botox treatment areas in the face as well as the body.


Recommended Botox Units By Area depicting a woman with hand on her cheek and common Botox treatment areas with suggested units by area like forehead, 10-20 units, crow's feet 6-12 units per side masseter muscles 15-50 units per side, gummy smile 2-4 units, downturned lip corners 2-4 units per side, platysmal bands 25-100 units per side, glabella 10-20 units, bunny lines 4-10 units, lip flip 2-4 units, and chin 2-10 units


Lower Eye to Relax the “Jelly Roll”


A small amount of Botox injected in the lower eye to the orbicularis oculi can relax the protrusion of the “aegyo-sal” or lower eyelid when smiling. Relaxing the muscle in this area can help lead to the eyes looking wider when smiling because the lower eyelid does not obscure as much of the eye. Aegyo-sal is desirable depending on different beauty standards; therefore, treatment of this area is dependent on personal taste. Furthermore, not every person is a candidate for this type of treatment, especially if the lower eyelid area is more hollow or other muscles are more activated when smiling.

Nose for “Bunny Lines”


The nasalis muscle can be treated to relax the lines that occur from scrunching the nose. These are commonly known as “bunny lines” or “wolf lines.” This area is actually a great area to treat along with the rest of the upper face, especially if the nose scrunches when frowning or if there are more transverse lines around the nose area. Treating only the glabella and forehead areas without treating the nasalis can sometimes make the bunny lines seem more pronounced because the treated areas are smoothened and relaxed, while the untreated area still has free movement.


Nostrils for Excessive Nostril Flaring


If the nostrils flare excessively, a small amount can be injected into both nostrils to relax the muscles that cause flaring. This may also have a slight “slimming” effect on the nostrils by relaxing the muscles that “widen” the nostrils.


Nose Tip for Droopy Nose


The nose tip can droop over time with age because of overactivation of the depressor septi nasi, a muscle just under the nose at the upper lip. This is apparent when speaking if the nose tip pulls down as the mouth animates. Treating this muscle can result in lifting of the nose tip.


Lip Flip to Prevent Lip Inversion When Smiling


The “lip flip” can be an introductory treatment when considering lip filler. If the upper lip is full but inverts or rolls inward when smiling, hiding the width of the upper lip, a “lip flip” treatment can be considered. Relaxing the muscle that inverts the upper lip when smiling allows for a more everted upper lip and an upper lip that looks fuller when smiling. This is not a replacement for lip filler, which adds volume to the lips themselves, but rather an alternative treatment. Both treatments can be done together if necessary. Care needs to be taken when undergoing a lip flip, as the ability to use a straw or purse the lips can be effected in the first few days after treatment. Because this is an area of high motion and only a few units can be used, a lip flip treatment may not have the same longevity as treatments in the upper face. Botox and other brands of neuromodulators tend to last 3-4 months in the upper face, this duration may be shorter for a treatment like a lip flip.


Read More: Lip Flip vs. Lip Filler


Upper Lip for “Gummy Smile”


If the gums show excessively when smiling, this is known as a “gummy smile.” This is due to how much the upper lip lifts when speaking or smiling. The muscle responsible for this is the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, a muscle responsible for widening the nostrils and elevating the upper lip. Relaxing this muscle with Botox means the upper lip does not lift as much when smiling, which covers the upper gums.

DAO to Neutralize Mouth Corners


Overactivation of the depressor anguli oris muscles can pull down the corners of the mouth over time. This can lead to a somewhat sad or unhappy-looking expression even when the mouth is neutral or at rest. Treating these muscles helps to neutralize the downward corners of the mouth. Only a few units is necessary, as excessive treatment can cause slackness of the mouth corners, which may lead to inadvertent drooling.


Masseters to Slim/Contour the Face


Masseter Botox has become incredibly popular after treatment of the upper face. The masseters are muscles of the jaw, which are responsible for elevating and protruding the jaw. These muscles are highly involved in chewing and moving the jaw. Treating this muscle can help slim the face along the jawline. When the muscle is relaxed, it becomes more slack and “slims,” leading the face to look slimmer along the jawline near the ears. Treating the masseters can also have some therapeutic effects for TMJD, although this should be done in conjunction with regular dental appointments and oversight of dental health by a dental professional.

Chin for Chin Dimpling When Smiling/Puckering the Lips


The mentalis muscle of the chin can be treated with Botox to reduce an orange-peel like appearance when pursing the lips or animating the mouth.


Neck for “Nefertiti Lift”


Treating the platysma muscles that are apparent when flexing the neck helps reduce the appearance of the flexed muscle bands. The platysma’s function is to pull down the jaw, which can lead to a bit of sagging and loss of definition over time. Botox treatment can help with a more contoured jawline and a more lifted lower face. This treatment is also known colloquially as a “Nefertiti Lift” because Queen Nefertiti was often depicted as having a long, slender neck.


Shoulders to Slim the Shoulder Silhouette


Treating the trapezius muscles of the shoulders can lead to a slimmer, more “swan-like” neck. “Trap tox,” as this treatment is colloquially called, also has therapeutic benefits as a portion of migraine treatment or treatment for cervical dystonia.


Underarms to Treat Hyperhidrosis or Excessive Sweating


Botox can be used to treat excessive sweating in the underarm area. Injections follow a grid-like pattern to treat the entire underarm area, reducing activation of the sweat glands in the area. Other areas of the body can also be treated, such as the hands and feet. Treatments in these areas may not last as long and can tend to be a bit uncomfortable due to the need for injections to span the entire treatment area.


Calves to Slim/Soften the Calf Line


The calves can be slimmed with Botox treatment. Relaxing the gastrocnemius muscle can create a longer, leaner leg shape. Aesthetic treatment of the muscles of the calves can have some effect on athletic ability in terms of running or jumping in the first few weeks after treatment; therefore, this is a treatment subject to personal taste & lifestyle.


Botox and other brands of neuromodulators are highly versatile and have a plethora of aesthetic and therapeutic uses. This overview article lists many of the possible aesthetic treatments, but is by no means exhaustive. Because these areas are less commonly treated, be sure to go to a reputable injector if you are interested in treatment of any of the aforementioned areas. Not every injector may be trained on every one of these areas, so be sure to consult carefully before proceeding with treatment. Furthermore, not every individual is a good candidate for all of the listed treatment areas. If you are interested in Botox treatments in Los Angeles, be sure to call us at DSC! We are happy to answer your questions about whether these treatments are right for you.


Read More: How to Prepare for a Botox Treatment


DSC Laser & Skin Care Center

889 S. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, CA 91776