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Lutronic Accufit

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Accufit – the smarter way to exercise! Accufit is an FDA-approved, comprehensive muscle
activation treatment from Lutronic that enables patients to define muscles without the gym. Accufit utilizes proprietary intelligent electro-muscular stimulation (EMS) to target specific muscle groups and trigger various muscle activations depending on chosen treatment mode.

This enables muscle activation far beyond what exercise alone can achieve without downtime, soreness, or fatigue afterward. Treatments are 30 minutes long, and can be done on the abdomen, flanks, buttocks, thighs, calves, back, arms, or other areas.

Treatments allow for rapid and comprehensive muscle engagement in targeted areas, resulting in firmer and more toned muscles and a more sculpted appearance. Accufit’s main benefit is muscle building and muscle definition, but treatments can also result in some fat loss in treated areas. EMS stimulates muscle contraction much more rapidly than a person can achieve unassisted, meaning each treatment is akin to weeks of targeted exercise. Adjustable EMS power levels allow for muscles to be activated at a much greater level with Accufit treatments than any person can achieve unassisted.


Accufit treatments can be personalized to each patient, which means patients can range from those who rarely exercise to professional athletes. Specific treatment modes can be chosen for general muscle definition, therapeutic effects, or even rehabilitation. Results can be felt after just one session, with four-six treatments recommended per treatment area.


Before and After


What is the advantage of Lutronic Accufit?
  • FDA-approved comprehensive muscle activation treatment that defines muscles without the gym
  • Utilizes intelligent electro-muscular stimulation (EMS) to target specific muscle groups and trigger various muscle activations depending on the chosen treatment mode
  • Allows for rapid and comprehensive muscle engagement in targeted areas resulting in firmer and more toned muscles and a more sculpted appearance
  • Muscle activation far beyond what exercise alone can achieve without downtime, soreness, or fatigue afterward
How long does each treatment take?

The procedure can take as little as 30 minutes or up to an hour, depending on the amount of surface area treated.

How many treatments will I need?

Accufit treatments can be personalized to each patient, which means patients can range from those who rarely exercise to professional athletes. Specific treatment modes can be chosen for general muscle definition, therapeutic effects, or even rehabilitation. Results can be felt after just one session, with four-six treatments recommended per treatment area.

Is muscle activation treatment permanent?

The longevity of the results may depend on various factors such as the patient’s lifestyle, age, diet, and exercise habits.

What should I expect following the muscle activation treatment?

Patients can expect to experience firmer and more toned muscles in the treated areas, resulting in a more sculpted appearance. One of the significant advantages of this treatment is that there is no downtime, soreness, or fatigue after the treatment. Patients can feel the results after just one session, but it is recommended to undergo four-six treatments per treatment area for best results. Additionally, there may be some potential fat loss in the treated areas.

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