Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Are skin imperfections bothering you, giving away your age, or making you look older than you actually are? Say hello to DSC’s new Picosecond Laser Technology. We can help you say goodbye to skin imperfections…fast. This technology allows for the quick and effective treatment of benign pigmented lesions and all treatable tattoo colors.
IPL, also known as a photo facial or photo rejuvenation, is a powerful skin rejuvenation treatment. It works by emitting intense pulsed light, which penetrates the superficial layers of the skin in order to treat signs of skin aging.

Fractional resurfacing (Fraxel) is a breakthrough in improving the quality of the skin. This revolutionary treatment can be helpful in addressing many bothersome skin problems such as wrinkles, acne scars, other skin scars, sun damage, brown spots, and other skin problems. The true advantage of the technology is the ability to achieve great results with minimal downtime.
The Erbium: YAG lasers have been used for laser resurfacing of human skin for many years. Example uses include treating acne scarring, deep rhytides, and melasma. In addition to being absorbed by water, the output of Erbium: YAG lasers is also absorbed by hydroxyapatite, which makes it a good laser for cutting bone as well as soft tissue.

Are you dreading getting older? Fine lines and wrinkles seem to get more and more prominent as time goes on. Not quite like a few years ago, right? That’s a form of aging mixed with dehydration of the skin. As dehydration occurs, the epidermis performs its protective role to create a thick layer of cuticle and pigment to resist external pressure, but these injections help to create smoother skin.
Laser Genesis is a non-invasive laser treatment that restores skin tone and treats fine lines and wrinkles, scars, large pores, and active acne. This heat-based laser stimulates the body’s natural healing processes to boost collagen growth resulting in a more youthful skin tone and texture. This treatment is especially effective in treating rosacea and both acne and other scars.