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Flyer for DSC Laser & Skin Care Center x Thermage Saturday November 5th at 3PM Event

Join DSC Laser & Skin Care Center on Saturday, November 5th at 3PM to learn about radiofrequency skin tightening & building collagen with Thermage and BioCode skincare! This event features special promotions on services and products, raffle prizes, and complimentary refreshments for attendees. Spots are very limited, please call DSC to RSVP!

參加美芝秀十一月五日下午三點熱瑪吉體驗分享,了解射頻能量技術如何有助於刺激新的膠原蛋白生長,讓肌膚重獲彈性緊緻、Biocode「保加利亞」護膚品介紹,現場特備精美茶點及禮品、抽獎、優惠套餐。請立即打來報名參加: (626) 285-0800!

DSC Laser & Skin Care Center
(626) 285-0800
889 S. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, CA 91776