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June 29 – Healthy Lifestyle Event

  You’re invited! DSC is hosting a Fitness & Wellness Event on Saturday, June 29th at 10:30AM! Coolsculpting demonstration and Dr. Shum will be sharing anti-aging and health & wellness tips. Learn more about fitness, balancing a nutritious diet, and...

How Proper Skincare Can Prevent & Treat Pigmentation

Preventing & treating skin pigmentation is at the forefront of concern as the summer months approach. While it may be tempting to believe that a few laser treatments can solve all unwanted skin issues, this is actually not true! Maintaining great skin all year...
June 8th Ultherapy Event

June 8th Ultherapy Event

DSC cordially invites you to join our June Ultherapy Event! On Saturday, June 8th at 11 AM, DSC will host an event to appreciate parents and revisit youthful times. MERZ trainers will share knowledge on anti-aging with Ultherapy. Special discount packages, exquisite...