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“Being healthier,” “getting in shape,” or “losing weight” are common resolutions tossed around with the advent of a new year. Common sense dictates that increased exercise and better eating habits are vital to achieving these goals. In reality, because these goals require long-term dedication to see results, it can feel quite daunting to actually achieve these resolutions.


How can DSC help? We offer a variety of body contouring and body sculpting treatments like Coolsculpting, Accufit, Velashape, M6 LPG endermologie, and other body treatments. Much like hiring a personal trainer, body treatments can often help boost the results of your own hard work. However, with so many different treatments, you may be wondering – which one is the best for you? Here’s a breakdown of the differences between each type of body sculpting or body contouring treatment.




DSC How does a Coolsculpting Treatment Go Gif showing male getting Coolsculpting placement markings on abdomen and treatment applicator being applied


Coolsculpting is a noninvasive, body sculpting treatment that uses cryolipolysis to treat stubborn fat bulges. That is, it utilizes cold to permanently kill fat cells in a treated area without damaging skin or other tissue. Adipose cells are excreted in the following days and weeks after treatment. Each treatment can reduce up to 25% of subdermal fat in a treated area. Coolsculpting can treat the following areas: upper abdomen, lower abdomen, “bra bulge”, flanks, under the chin, arms, inner thighs, banana roll (tissue above gluteal fold), and outer thighs. Treatments are 35 minutes each and have minimal to no downtime. Coolsculpting is NOT a weight loss treatment; it is a body sculpting treatment that eliminates pockets of fat tissue. As such, it offers the best results when weight is maintained. Coolsculpting does not treat visceral fat and results are best seen visually or via measurement. Multiple treatments in one area, such as the abdomen, may be necessary to achieve desired results. Results may need up to 4-16 weeks to appear. Areas that tend to have larger deposits of adipose tissue, such as the abdomen, can be retreated after 4 weeks, and results will continue to improve for weeks after treatment. Areas that tend to have smaller pockets of adipose tissue, such as the inner thighs or arms, need more time before subsequent treatments should be undertaken.


Pros: permanent subdermal fat reduction in treatment areas; minimally invasive

Cons: Can only treat prescribed areas, does not treat visceral fat


When should you choose Coolsculpting? Coolsculpting is a great option for treating stubborn areas of fat despite good diet and exercise.




DSC Accufit treatment to the anterior abdomen showing gif of Accufit contacts attached to abdomen


Accufit is an electric muscular stimulation (EMS) body sculpting treatment. EMS causes muscle contraction, leading to increased muscle tone and strength. Treatment areas include the abdomen, glutes, lower back/flanks, mid-back and lats, arms, quads, hamstrings, and even calves. Accufit helps improve functional strength as well as providing great aesthetic results. One 30 minute treatment in the abdomen is akin to ~67,000 crunches, which means people of all fitness levels can benefit from Accufit treatments. It is recommended to treat each area at least 4x, either 1x each week for four weeks, or 2x a week for two weeks. Two weeks after the fourth treatment, reassessment is done to evaluate whether further treatments are necessary or Accufit treatments can help jumpstart a healthy lifestyle, augment existing fitness regimes, and even boost results after Coolsculpting treatments. Non-invasive and no downtime. Not suitable for treatment over the anterior chest and people with pacemakers.


Pros: Build and sculpt muscle noninvasively; suitable for all fitness levels; aesthetic benefits as well as functional strength benefits

Cons: contraindicated during pregnancy or for people with pacemakers or hernias


When should you choose Accufit? Accufit is a great option for body sculpting and building muscle definition and tone. Augments existing fitness routines by stimulating muscle contraction beyond regular capability. Pairs well with other body sculpting treatments for synergistic results.


M6 LPG endermologie


M6 by LPG endermologie utilizes suction and massage to mechanically stimulate tissue in order to slim and tone. Helps with lymphatic drainage, smooths the appearance of cellulite, and assists with natural dermis redensification. A full body stocking is worn in order to facilitate smooth gliding of the handpiece over treatment areas. The body AND face can be treated. Non-invasive and recommended post liposuction to help smooth and tone skin. As a fully mechanical treatment, M6 is safe even for people with implanted electrical devices, such as pacemakers.


Pros: lymphatic drainage, suitable for nearly all candidates, treats face as well as body, fully noninvasive

Cons: contraindicated during pregnancy and for persons with advanced autoimmune disorders


When should you choose M6 LPG endermologie? If you are new to body treatments, looking for lymphatic drainage treatments of the face or body, or looking for targeted treatment to help smooth skin post-liposuction. Also an option for people with implantable electronic devices who may not be candidates for RF or EMS treatments.



Velashape III


Velashape utilizes infrared light (heat), radiofrequency, and vacuum suction to noninvasively improve the appearance of cellulite and assist in circumferential reduction. Treatment areas include: thighs, buttocks, flanks, abdomen, arms, and neck area (under the chin). The combination of treatment methods allows for disruption of localized fat deposits and skin remodeling of collagen and elastin. Velashape can therefore improve the appearance of cellulite as well as tighten and firm skin. Varying treatment handpiece sizes allow for targeted treatment.


Pros: FDA-indicated device to help improve appearance of cellulite, boosts skin firmness along with aiding in circumferential reduction

Cons: contraindicated during pregnancy and for people with implantable electrical devices


When should you choose Velashape? Velashape is a great treatment option for mild to moderate cellulite and also for circumferential reduction. Appropriate for those looking for body treatments in the same vein as M6 but stronger.



DSC Laser & Skin Care Center

889 S. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, CA 91776