Join DSC to celebrate our “Spring Glam” Beauty Event!
DSC will be hosting a “Spring Glam” beauty event in conjunction with Allergan Aesthetics’ brands SkinMedica and DiamondGlow on Friday, 03/01 at 4PM! Join us for refreshments, a free attendee gift bag, and special promos! Please call to RSVP at (626) 285-0800, seats are highly limited! We are looking forward to seeing you!
美芝秀邀您一起”綻放春日” 的魅力美之活動!
美芝秀將於 3月 01 日星期五下午 4 點與艾爾建美學公司下屬醫美護膚巨頭“斯美凱”品牌和鑽石磨皮護膚聯合舉辦“綻放春日魅力美之活動!當日下午特設專業抗衰知識分享及特別推廣優惠等等。參加者均會獲得價值名貴的禮物包,享受免費茶點。請盡快致電美芝秀報名,座位有限。美芝秀期待與您相會!(626) 285-0800
DSC Laser & Skin Care Center
889 S. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, CA 91776