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Acne scars, as the name implies, are marks visible on the skin after an acne breakout has been treated. Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, with approximately 50 million Americans experiencing an acne breakout each year. After acne treatment, 95% have residual scarring.

Acne scars can be difficult to remove, but there are cosmetic treatments available to help. Acne begins as a harmless pimple but progresses to a prominent lifetime scar that can understandably have a significant impact on a person’s self-esteem. Topical products such as glycolic acid peels, retinol creams, and vitamin C serum can help fade some acne scars gradually.

Indented acne scars from severe acne, on the other hand, are more difficult to treat because they are deep scars that have formed beneath the skin’s upper layers, preventing the skin’s scarred tissue from regenerating properly and leaving an uneven texture on the skin.

Laser acne scar removal treatments can help with this. Similarly, laser skin resurfacing treatments are available for tightening, evening, and boosting skin collagen; laser treatments are also available for acne scarring. Before we get into the laser acne scar removal treatments that are available for acne scarring, we must first understand the various types of acne scars.

Types of Acne Scars

It is necessary to discuss the various types of acne scarring because different scars respond better to different skin laser resurfacing treatments. Acne scars are classified into two types: atrophic scars caused by loose tissue and hypertrophic scars caused by excessive tissue development. There are four major types of acne scars within these classifications:

. Boxcar Scars

These are the results of highly inflammatory acne. They are shallow but visible, oval-shaped, and usually form on the lower cheeks and jawline. Atrophic boxcars vary in severity depending on the amount of tissue loss.

. Ice Pick Scars

These scars are deep, thin marks that form in the second layer of the skin. They develop as a result of skin tissue damage caused by a pimple or infection.

. Rolling Scars

They look like boxcar scars but have smooth or sharp edges and wavy, rough skin texture. They are caused by fibrous tissue accumulating beneath the skin and become more intense as a person ages. They are usually found on the cheeks.

. Hypertrophic and keloid scars

These scars differ from others in that they form as a result of excess tissue formation after a wound heals, resulting in a raised scar. Some skin types are more prone to such scars than others, and they are more common in men than women due to hormonal differences.

Skin Laser for Acne Scars

Skin lasers for acne scar removal offer a simple and effective way to treat various types of acne scars through a cosmetic procedure to make them less visible. Laser procedures use light to break down scar tissue and encourage the growth of healthy new skin cells that can replace scarred skin. This reduces the appearance of scarring and the pain it causes, while also improving the texture of your skin.

If you have a darker skin tone, very wrinkled skin, or active acne, you may not be a good candidate for skin lasers. There are various types of acne scarring laser skin treatments, with some working better on certain skin types than others.

Types of Laser Treatments for Acne Scar Removal

Acne scar laser treatments are classified into four types: IPL/BBL, Pico laser, ablative laser, and non-ablative laser acne scar treatments. Here’s how they work and what types of scarring they’re best for.

Ablative Laser Resurfacing Treatment

YAG and CO2 lasers are examples of this. They use an intense wavelength to remove the outer layers of skin. They work by removing the outer layer of skin and heating the layer beneath it with intense wavelengths of light. This procedure injures and resurfaces the skin in order to remove dead skin cells and regenerate healthy new skin tissue.

Their recovery time is two weeks, with physical activity and sun exposure restricted to the treated area until the skin heals. These layers are strong enough to produce excellent results for atrophic scars, but should only be performed by a qualified medical professional.

Non-ablative Laser Resurfacing or Fractionated Laser Resurfacing

These lasers heat tissue without completely removing the top layers of the skin. They cause less damage than ablative lasers and stimulate collagen synthesis, which improves acne scars. They are ideal for people with darker skin tones because they do not cause hyperpigmentation, cold sores, or skin cancer. Fractional lasers have a lower risk of complications and a significantly shorter recovery time. It is the most risk-free option for patients with hypertrophic or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Radio Frequency Microneedling Laser Treatment

This treatment is used to treat mild to moderate acne scars. It involves stamping the skin with a handheld device that creates tiny wounds on the skin using heat and sterile needles. These wounds increase elastin and collagen production, smoothening the acne scars and reducing the indentation of an atrophic scar so it can merge with the surrounding skin.

IPL/BBL Laser Treatment

These lasers are most effective for treating post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and erythema—flat red and brown acne marks. IPL/BBL lasers are not suitable for treating skin indentations because they do not generate much collagen; instead, they use light energy to target redness and melanin pigment to fade spots and marks. They require little downtime during the healing process and are virtually painless when numbing cream is used.

It is critical to set realistic goals. Although laser treatment will not completely remove acne scarring, it will significantly reduce its visibility. It is critical to have a board-certified dermatologist perform the laser treatment because lasers are extremely powerful and can cause severe burns or permanent scarring if used incorrectly by inexperienced providers.

The Best Acne Scar Treatment Professionals in Los Angeles, CA

DCS Laser and Skin Care Center in Los Angeles, California has a team of highly skilled laser treatment professionals with medical expertise in laser acne scar treatment. We have a treatment plan that uses the most advanced lasers to effectively treat any acne scar and achieve the results you desire.

For more information on the best skin laser treatment for acne scars and to schedule a free consultation appointment, please contact us at 889 S. San Gabriel Boulevard, San Gabriel, California 91776. You can also reach us by phone at 626 285-0800.