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Dealing with unwanted body or facial hair can be exhausting, especially if your hair is naturally dark and thick. Laser technology provides an effective way to tame unwanted hair growth.

But does laser hair removal permanently stop hair from growing back? And if not, how long before hair grows back? This article will address these frequently asked questions about laser hair removal treatment.

Is laser hair removal permanent?

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that removes unwanted hair by vaporizing it. For some people, this treatment produces near-permanent results. In contrast, others see a significant reduction in the amount of hair or thickness of hair follicles that regrow over time. Although the procedure does not produce permanent hair removal, it may take years for the hair to regrow.

How does laser hair removal work?

To understand how the laser hair removal treatment works, you must first understand the growth cycle of hair. Hair grows in three stages:

  • Anagen: The initial growth phase
  • Catagen: The transitional or regressing phase
  • Telogen: This the final or resting phase

You have hair follicles going through all three phases at any given time. Laser hair removal uses a highly concentrated light beam to vaporize hairs at the root and below the skin. As such, it only tackles hairs during the growing phase. This is why it requires multiple treatments spaced out to achieve near-permanent hair removal in a particular area.

The best thing about hair removal is that the sessions are fast, with some taking as little as twenty minutes. Also, hair removal does not just take care of unwanted hair. It also removes ingrown hairs, leaving you with smoother skin.

Will hair grow back after laser hair removal?

Hair grows in cycles. So it is normal to notice hair growth between appointments. As you attend sessions, you should see less hair growth.

How many treatments for laser hair removal do I need?

While single laser treatment can remove most unwanted hair in a given area, more treatments are needed to maintain hair loss. As stated earlier, hair grows in different stages. As such, you will need multiple treatments to be effective. Experts recommend getting 3-5 sessions over 4 to 6 weeks to achieve optimal results.

Hair regrowth on the face after laser hair removal treatments

The effects of laser hair removal on the face vary from person to person. Some people report not seeing regrowth over many years, while others experience hair regrowth sooner. For the latter annual touchup treatments can help keep unwanted hairs at bay.

Hair regrowth on the body after laser hair removal treatments

Laser hair removal on the body tends to provide permanent or long-lasting results. Over time, any hair that does grow back will be very fine and sparse.

Does hair on specific areas of the body or face grow back faster?

After laser treatment, facial hair is more likely to regrow, especially on the neck and chin. Hormonal fluctuations and an increase in androgen hormones like testosterone cause this regrowth by reactivating hair follicles.

In some women, hair regrowth on the neck, upper lip, sideburns and chin may be due to menopause, which causes the estrogen levels to drop. You may also experience hair regrowth on the chest, arms, bikini line, legs or stomach area. However, hair is often very fine and sparse when it grows back on the body. In rare cases, laser hair removal treatment may cause the growth of darker, thicker hair areas adjacent to the treated one, a condition known as paradoxical hypertrichosis.

Does hair or skin color make any difference in the results of laser hair removal?

Your hair and skin color significantly affect the effectiveness of laser treatment. Generally, laser hair removal works best for people with a light complexion who have dark hair. The contrast in skin and hair pigment makes targeting har follicles easier. People with dark skin or light hair may need more treatments than others.

What can you do to prevent hair from growing back after laser treatment?

You can curb hair regrowth after laser hair removal by having regular laser treatment touchups. If the regrowth is sparse, you have the option for electrolysis. Electrolysis is an alternative hair removal treatment that works by dealing with each individual hair. With electrolysis, the hair follicles become damaged, preventing future hair growth. Although electrolysis is permanent, it comes with side effects.

If your hair regrowth is due to PCOS, managing your hormonal imbalance can reduce the chances of regrowth. Most women can offset these imbalances by modifying their diet, such as a low carb intake or taking a prescription medication like Metformin.

Will repeated sessions of laser therapy eventually discourage hair regrowth?

Laser treatments are delivered in packages of several sessions. Some people may need up to 12 treatments to eliminate hair growth. While the results may not be permanent even after completing your course of treatment, the need for touchups will be minimal.

How much does laser hair removal cost?

According to a statistics report by the American Society of Plastic surgeons, patients can pay an average of $429 for laser hair removal. However, the cost may vary depending on who does the treatment and the areas needing treatment. For instance, the cost to remove face and neck hair range from $600 to $900. The cost for a bikini area hair removal ranges from $350 to $500, with chest hair removal costing between $350 to $600.

Need laser hair removal in Los Angeles?

Laser technology is one of the most sought-after elective hair removal treatments today. At DSC Laser & Skin Care Center we have a reputation for high-quality, safe and effective laser hair removal services in Los Angeles.

most advanced technology for laser hair removal that only targets the hair follicle, preventing skin and surrounding tissue damage. All treatments are performed by a team of well-trained and experienced staff.

Contact us to book an appointment and learn more about the best laser hair removal.