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Finding dark spots and freckles on your hands and face that weren’t there before can be frustrating. Age spots could be benign and harmless, but getting rid of them will keep your complexion in check. You can remove them by using home-based treatments or visiting a skin specialist in your area.

The experts at DSC Laser and Skin Care Center can help you get rid of age spots and enhance your beauty using their research and expertise. We are at the forefront of providing anti-aging solutions to our clients using clinical research and new technology.

Here’s what to know about age spots and how to remove them.

What Are Age Spots?

Age spots are flat grey, brown or black spots that resemble large freckles on the skin. They are also known as sun spots or liver spots and appear on sun-exposed parts such as your face, shoulder, and the back of your hand. They vary in size and could be a single spot or a few spots clustered together.

An age spot occurs when there is excessive production of melanin due to sun exposure. Ultraviolet light accelerates melanin production, which causes the appearance of age spots. Skin aging and years of exposure to the sun’s UV rays are the causes of age spots on people’s skin. They can occur on all skin types but are more common in people with light skin.

Age spots typically affect the middle-aged and the elderly. It can develop early, especially if you spend too much time in the sun. You also have a high chance of developing the spots if they run through your family.

When Should You See A Dermatologist?

Age spots can be a nuisance because they never fade. They are common in adults above 40 years with light skin and a history of being frequently exposed to the sun. They look like flat, oval areas of increased pigmentation ranging from tan to dark brown. Some of the common symptoms of age spots include:

  1. Their color ranges from light brown to black, depending on the rate of exposure to the sun.
  2. Their size varies from a freckle to about an inch in diameter.
  3. They are round or oval with defined edges.
  4. They feel the same way as the rest of your skin.
  5. They could appear on their own or in a cluster.

Age spots are harmless, but people prefer removing them for cosmetic purposes. Visit a qualified dermatologist if you have any doubts about the spot on your skin. A black mark that increases in size and has an irregular border can be from a form of skin cancer known as melanoma.

How Do You Diagnose Age Spots?

Skin care specialists use two methods to diagnose age spots, a visual inspection, and a biopsy. The doctor checks color, shape, and size in a visual inspection to determine whether it is an actual age spot. They will also feel the texture to know whether it is like your surrounding skin.

The dermatologist will suggest a biopsy if they suspect the dark area might be something other than an age spot. The medical procedure involves removing a piece of skin from your mark and taking it to a lab for further examination. It will help to detect any cancerous growth or abnormality.

How Do You Treat Age Spots?

Knowing how to get rid of age spots can help you maintain your skin tone and enhance your beauty. You can try out several helpful home-based treatments, such as:

  1. Exfoliating acids and brightening ingredients in face masks, moisturizers, and serums.
  2. Vitamin C serum.
  3. At-home chemical peels.
  4. Skin-lightening creams containing tranexamic acid, kojic acid, or glycolic acid.

You can also try some in-office treatments to reduce or remove age spots from your skin. The skin care professionals at DSC Laser &Skin Care Center get the most effective treatment method for age-spot removal. They include:

Laser Treatments

The specialist uses narrow beams of light at specific wavelengths to remove the dead skin cells causing the dark spots without damaging the rest of your skin. The side effects of laser treatment include the darkening of your mark.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a solution applied to the skin to remove the top layer that has dark spots. The method allows new skin to grow as a replacement. You might suffer side effects such as stinging, redness, scarring, and changes in your skin color.


Cryotherapy or freezing involves using liquid nitrogen to freeze individual age spots in your skin. The specialist will do this for some seconds to destroy the pigment and lighten your skin. The procedure could be painful, and you could experience swelling, discoloration, and blistering.

Intense Pulsed Light Treatment

The process involves passing light waves through the skin to target melanin and destroy dark spots. It is a risky option for people with darker skin tones because the light waves could target more than just unwanted dark spots.


The skin specialist uses a spinning brush to sand down the spotted skin surface layer to allow new skin to replace it. Your skin heals in about three months, and you could suffer side effects such as scarring, acne flares, and swelling.


It is a less aggressive method that uses tiny crystals to sand down the skin and removes your age spots. You will have to keep your skin moisturized to ensure you quickly recover.


The specialist uses fine needles to poke small, evenly-spaced holes in your skin. It stimulates the production of elastin and collagen which improve your skin’s appearance.

Looking To Get Rid Of Your Age Spots? Contact DSC Laser & Skin Care Center In Los Angeles

If you are wondering how to get rid of age spots, visiting a skin care expert could be your best solution. In-office treatment is the best way to ensure you get the fair skin you desire and enhance your beauty. You can prevent age spots by covering your skin with sun-protective clothing and using broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor.

The board-certified dermatologist at DSC Laser & Skin Care Center can provide the solution you need for your skin care needs. We have years of training and experience in providing the best laser treatments. Our staff focuses on upholding the well-being and satisfaction of our clients. Contact us to book an appointment.